Saturday, July 3, 2010

The cutest Mouse I have ever seen!

One day I found teeny little droppings on my kitchen counter. Well, needless to say I was super grossed out and proceeded to spray everything down with bleach. That night I was watching TV, David had already gone to bed. it was pretty late and all the dogs were sleeping. All of a sudden I see something scurry by. It scared me at first but I grabbed a big heavy blanket and went over to the ottoman that was in the corner where the small dark shadow had run underneath. I pulled it away real quick and there he was. The cutest, sweetest looking tiny mouse I had ever seen. He looked up at me with these giant, disney character looking eyes and my heart melted. He paused only for a second and scurried away.

After that, instead of being grossed out by the occasional found dropping, I was filled with a feeling of "Aw, I wonder if that cute little mouse is hungry?". Finally, yesterday morning Roxy was obsessed with the spare bathroom in the hall. I peeked inside and behold the little mouse had gotten into the bathtub and couldn't get out. I gave him a little dog food pellet and all fear of me disappeared as he happily chewed. I went into the recycling bin and scooped him up with an old plastic container. I couldn't believe how teeny, tiny he was. As you can see in the photo his body is not larger than my thumb! For a second I considered keeping him as a pet, but what an awful existence - to not be able to run free. Instead, I walked him all the way to the end of our property and set him free in a big field of grass. He hesitated for a second and then took off. I miss the little guy!

This morning I found a fresh batch of teeny droppings, even smaller than what I was seeing last week..... could there be a whole teeny mouse family living in my house? Are they wondering what the heck happened to their little brother? OMG I am a horrible, kidnapping, mouse family home wrecker!!!